I'm fairly convinced that my homemade fringe pendant gives me super powers. Perhaps not the sort of super powers that make me able to breath fire or kill cougars with my bare hands, but the kind of powers that give me confidence to walk into scary-hipster coffee shops in the heart of Melbourne and order a Tall Dark with a sense of entitlement and understated panache. My fringe necklace gives me bonfire prowess and woodland swag....and making them gives me something to do.
You can make one too. It's so easy that you don't even need step by step photos. Instructions are below.

1. Buy things:   Leather square in any craft section $5 (You can make about 8 necklaces from one square.) 
                       Spoon bails from the bead store $5
                       Gorilla glue $3
                       Thickish wire
2. Use a pencil to trace your shape on to the leather.

3. Cut out your shape with a pair of trusty scissors. Cutting the fringe is tricky. Go slow, and draw a temporary line that tells you where to stop cutting.

3. Gorilla glue the spoon bails to the front or back of your cut leather, depending on what look you like.  Don't touch the gorilla glue. Trust me, the result of skin+gorilla glue is horrendous. Don't use too much glue, either. It puffs up three times it's size when it's dry.

4. Glue the thickish wire all the way across the back of the cut leather. This keeps it from folding up in a heap when you wear it on a chain. I use really cheap, thin bangles for my wire. I just cut them, straighten them out, and fold them in half.

5. Draw lines, shapes, or anything your creative heart desires onto your new pendant. Acrylic paint is also a nice touch. Use a very, very small paint brush, or even the tip of a pencil to apply the paint.

6. Don't get mad when your first one looks horrible. That's a part of making good things. You have to be willing to make ugly things first.

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